Entidades que procuram parceiros
Nesta página divulgamos a informação sobre procura de parceiros que recebemos dos nossos colegas dos Creative Europe Desks.
Como funciona:
No que diz respeito à pesquisa de parceiros uma das possibilidades é a divulgação da informação sobre o projecto via os Creative Europe Desks. O Desk disponibiliza à entidade interessada um "template" que deve ser preenchido em inglês. O documento é então remetido pelo Desk para todos colegas europeus e será posteriormente reenviado por estes para as respectivas mailing lists.1
Caso pretenda a divulgação do seu projecto pelos Creative Europe Desks europeus (para pesquisa de parceiros), por favor, contacte-nos através do endereço : sara.machado@europacriativa.eu
Eis a informação que recebemos dos nossos colegas europeus até ao momento :
Projectos de Cooperação Europeia - Call 2019 |
Tipologia do projecto / Descrição (Resumo) |
Entidade | País | Descrição do projecto e contactos | Pequena/grande escala | Data de divulgação de informação |
"Theatre, narration and literature (oral tradition) |
University of Patras-Department of Theatre Studies | Grécia | Documento PDF | Pequena Escala | 20.11.2019 |
"Liberty, Equality, Sorority: |
Rua Red, South Dublin Arts Centre | Irlanda | Documento PDF | Pequena Escala | 18.11.2019 |
"Architecture, Cities, Migration phenomenon and Refugee Crisis: |
Mediaurban, the urban consultancy firm of the Mediapro Group |
Espanha | Documento PDF | Não definido | 15.11.2019 |
"Art / Education / Architecture / Heritage |
Taller Abierto | Espanha | Documento PDF | Não definido | 15.11.2019 |
"Museum/ gallery, Art education, Art management, Creative industries development: |
My Step Charitable Foundation | Arménia | Documento PDF | Grande Escala (refere especificamente interesse em parceiros portugueses, sediados no Porto) | 12.11.2019 |
"Performance arts and theatre Description: [we are looking for] Develop an artistic language mixing different mediums, registers, techniques, etc. from contemporary dance to acting, writing, improv, music and soundscapes, etc. - Research on the impact of the mobile phones and social media on children and young people. - Design a series of workshops in order to share tools and skills developed during the work process. |
Zaleatro and Javier Montero | Espanha | Documento PDF | Não definido | 12.11.2019 |
"Theater, Music, Puppetry art, Tangible Culture – Museums, Digital Arts, Movies, videos |
Centre National des Arts de la marionnette | Tunísia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 12.11.2019 |
"Music, Digital Arts, creative writing, Films, Videos, Street Arts We would like to cooperate as Partners’ in projects working on: - Gender inequalities in the creative industries - limited access to cultural and artistic offers in disadvantaged regions. |
Notre Culture d’Abord/La Fabrique | Tunísia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 12.11.2019 |
"Dance – FashionTech – Augmented Description: within the concept of large scale fashiontech events AWOW 2020-2022 will concentrate on three major themes: 1) body enablement and welfare technology 2) audience development through cross sectoral networks 3) talent development in co-creation establishing a cross sectoral European network, working together towards an open air event in 2021. The preparation and co-creation will be organized in workshops." |
Aarhus University, ARTS, Communication & Culture | Dinamarca | Documento PDF | Grande escala (refere especificamente interesse em parceiros portugueses, sediados no Porto) | 12.11.2019 |
"Dance, performance, cultural heritage, theather performance |
International Folk Dance Festival JOC | Moldávia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 12.11.2019 |
"Visual Art, Dance, Literature, Music, Heritage, Interdisciplinary, Cultural Heritage, VR/AR/MR, Cultural diffusion Description: the ESPRONCEDA program provides production residencies for national/international artists & curators and curates a cumulative exhibition of their work in Barcelona at the end of each residency. ESPRONCEDA encourages international artists, both established and emerging, to develop their own work and creativity, and to spread their inspiration beyond their physical stay in space. We are interested in joining a consortium for Cooperation projects (small and large). We have experience with European projects and proposal writing. PIC number is available." |
ESPRONCEDA – Institute for Art & Culture / Barcelon | Espanha | Documento PDF | Não definido | 12.11.2019 |
"Mainly Textile Arts, but also other cultural and creative fields such as Fine Arts, Applied Arts and Cultural Heritage: |
Higher Education College of Art and Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property” León, Spain | Espanha | Documento PDF | Pequena Escala | 08.11.2019 |
"Research, developing a network, production of cultural and artistic events based on research, exchange. |
Cultural informative center - KIC | Croácia | Pequena Escala (refere especificamente o interesse em parceiros portugueses) |
8.11.2019 | |
"In-depth research of reading / non-reading Description: The project includes in-depth research of reading / non-reading that aims to discover reasons why do people read or do not read and to set a strategy for widening of literary audience and deepening of its reading experience. The research would not be limited to overviewing current condition but it would also include the motives of reading or non-reading, problems and reluctance, but also chances for extensive and quality reading. |
Serbian Literary Society | Sérvia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 05.11.2019 |
"Culture and tourism, valorisation of cultural heritage, art exhibitions and digital art, festivals of light, music concerts and street music, theatre plays, art and performing festivals." |
Municipality of Budva | Montenegro | Documento PDF | Não definido | 31.10.2019 |
"Presentation of visual arts and cultural heritage Description: Interested in broader scope of cultural activities and themes addressing some of the following objectives and priorities: transnational circulation of art, audience development, innovation, new business models in culture, and, importantly, social projects tailored for creativity of youth, underrepresented groups and/or people with disabilities. |
Museums and Galleries of Podgorica | Montenegro | Documento PDF | Não definido | 31.10.2019 |
"Contemporary dance, performing arts, inclusive dance, body movement, education in dance sector, inclusion and accessibility, digital art, interdisciplinary |
MeetShareDance Association | Espanha | Documento PDF | Pequena Escala | 28.10.2019 |
"Activating rural areas with arts and social arts |
Asociación cultural La Madre Monte | Espanha | Documento PDF | Não definido | 28.10.2019 |
"We want to work with organisations interested by Creative Edtech Content for children = Mixed Digital Content for kids (Educational Games - Printed book+magazine - Augmented reality content and Video Animation)" |
Ticontenu | Tunísia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 28.10.2019 |
"Creative hubs, visual and performing arts, cultural heritage, education |
Culture Hub Croatia – Platform for Education, Creativity and Development through Culture | Croácia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 19.10.2019 |
"Theater / Literature / Publishing / Museum / Gallery / Festival |
Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development | Arménia | Documento PDF | Pequena Escala | 17.10.2019 |
"Theatre, theatre research, performance, dance, dance therapy. /Training & Education/ Audience development/ Transnational mobility |
Per Theater Formance | Grécia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 17.10.2019 |
"Heritage, visual & performative arts, design thinking, technology, virtual reality, music, video creation |
IE Creativity Center | Espanha | Documento PDF | Não definido | 15.10.2019 |
"Contemporary Dance / Choreography / Performance / Education / Experimental Art / Physical Theatre |
Platform for Changes | Geórgia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 15.10.2019 |
"Intangible cultural heritage, contemporary art, digitization, creative industries, education, community |
Biennale of Western Balkans | Grécia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 15.10.2019 |
"New theatrical practices Description: Theatrical Sympaignia, whose mission is the organization, production and stage of theatrical performances in Greece and abroad, the participation and organisation of theatrical, artistic and cultural events (workshops, lectures, seminars, cooperation events e.t.c), the theatrical-scientific research and the innovation in the teaching of acting, is looking for partners that share the same vision and wish (...) to rediscover our local tradition and folk stories and introduce them to the world stage. The requested profile of the partners is creative industries/organisations involved in theater performances, storytelling and oral tradition organisations, networks that promote collaboration in arts. " |
Theatrical Sympaignia | Grécia | Documento PDF |
Não definido |
14.10.2019 |
"Festivals / Music / Artist empowerment / Audience Development / Young Artists / Audio / |
Catholic Bishopry of Syros and the Syros Greek Catholic Association | Grécia | Documento PDF |
Pequena Escala (refere especificamente interesse em parceiros portugueses) |
14.10.2019 |
"Theatre, education, performing arts, audience development The project is designed for a wide audience, regardless of the actor's experience, starting from the age of 18. " |
Zhivago Theatre |
Ucrânia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 11.10.2019 |
Interdisciplinary arts, museums, music |
Center for Study in Cultural Development | Sérvia | Documento PDF |
Pequena Escala |
11.10.2019 |
"Culture, heritage, promotion, education, mobility, media, virtual and augmented reality, new technologies, research. |
Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania | Roménia | Documento PDF |
Não definido |
11.10.2019 |
"Rural (non-capital) cultural life development program |
"Zis" Centre of Culture NGO | Arménia | Documento PDF |
Não definido |
10.10.2019 |
"Film and video, audiovisual, cultural heritage, theatre, other (cinema in local communities) |
Pučko otvoreno učilište Varaždin (POU Varaždin); Public Open University Varazdin | Croácia | Documento PDF |
Pequena escala |
10.10.2019 |
"ACGR is open for collaboration as partner in cultural and education projects (...)Georgiana Rusu Cultural Association is a non-profit cultural organization from Constanta - Romania, which has as its stated purpose the initiation, development and implementation through legal means and through specific activities of cultural, artistic, educational, social, environmental and cultural projects and activities for youth." |
Georgiana Rusu Cultural Association (ACGR) | Roménia | Documento PDF |
Não definido |
10.10.2019 |
"Cultural heritage/ Modern technology / refugee and Immigrants of children. Description According to UNESCO, education could and must play an important role in the sensitization of the refugee problem. Art is an essential part of education and children express their feeling and what they experienced through their artworks. The project aims to study the contemporary events of war and refugee as visually expressed in children’s artworks. A multidisciplinary analysis approach in the collection of the children’s artworks on war and refugee issues can help to understand how these children experienced these circumstances and represent it through their artworks. Moreover, modern technology can help to analyze these works in addition to these, modern technology can assist to create educational material that will increase awareness of people what the refugees experienced and help so to reduce racism and people accept refugees as part of the society." |
Library & Service of Information, Digitization and Archive Management of the Cyprus University of Technology |
Chipre | Documento PDF |
Pequena escala (refere especificamente interesse em parceiros portugueses) |
09.10.2019 |
"We are interested in joining cross cultural European cooperation projects as partners. |
Fundatia9 / Foundation9 | Roménia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 09.10.2019 |
"Theatre, art, music, performance, interdisciplinary |
Creando por Soria | Espanha | Documento PDF | Não definido | 08.10.2019 |
"Greece’s foremost cultural festival and one of the oldest performing arts festivals in Europe (1955), the Athens & Epidaurus Festival [...] It is among our top priorities to establish connections among countries and create multi-national artistic projects that will foster intercultural dialogue, promote shared EU values and build platforms for showcasing the work of up-and-coming artists." |
Athens & Epidaurus Festival | Grécia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 04.10.2019 |
"e.g. New Media Art/Exhibition Practice/Digital Art/Education/Research/Interdisciplinary…) |
Active For Culture | Geórgia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 02.10.2019 |
"Music, Concert, Workshop, Lab, Performance Art, Contemporary Music, Creative Coding, App Developing, Smartphones, Audience Engagement |
PHONES:ON – new music with smartphones: Concert/Workshops/Labs | Sérvia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 30.09.2019 |
"Cross Art Form, New Cultural Practices |
British Council Wales | País de Gales, Reino Unido | Documento PDF | Pequena Escala | 24.09.2019 |
"Music therapy/Parent’s empowerment and Transdisciplinary work Education |
Centre of Early Childhood Intervention VOINICEL | Moldávia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 23.09.2019 |
"Culture, Education, Theatre, Music, Audiovisual productions and |
Oktana - Casa de Cultura | Espanha | Documento PDF | Não definido | 19.09.2019 |
"Classical music, opera, operetta, musical education, festivals |
Latvian Operetta Foundation, Latvia | Letónia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 17.09.2019 |
"Art in public space + society, community |
Casa de las Musas + Entretanto Entretente | Espanha | Documento PDF | Pequena escala (refere especificamente interesse em parceiros portugueses) | 17.09.2019 |
"We intend to organize a polymorphic festival in Lesvos - Greece island. Our aim is to showcase some types of artistic creation and promote intercultural dialogue and exchange. We are interested in hosting collage art, and photo exhibitions,video installations, art workshops lectures and performances. Part of our plan is to organize an artistic workshop, learning seminar where the guests (also refugees and other vulnerable groups) of the festival are going to get acquainted through a unique multiculture art method and enjoy hospitality of these special island." |
Collage CONNECT PEOPLE - Greece | Grécia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 16.09.2019 |
"Immersive Art Festival (Virtual & Augmented Reality) |
VRHAM! Festival | Alemanha | Documento PDF | Pequena ou Grande escala | 09.09.2019 |
"(...)We can collaborate, as partners, to projects working on the audience development and works and promotion of art among children and young people, related to painting.(...)" |
FUNDACIÓN IBERCAJA | Espanha | Documento PDF | Não definido | 23.08.2019 |
"(...)Upstate Theatre Project are interested in researching the potential for |
Upstate Theatre Project | República da Irlanda | Documento PDF | Não definido | 06.08.2019 |
"We are searching for festivals/carnivals which aim at bringing together various professional, social and age groups and which strive to reflect pressing political/social issues, ideally through satire and art. We are interested in exchanges of artists (mixed art forms – visual arts and music) and youth groups (elementary–high-school). We also offer academic co-operation with the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy (Charles University, Prague).(...) Objectives: |
Iniciativa Fór_um/Velvet Carnival, Czech Republic | República Checa | Documento PDF | Não definido | 02.08.2019 |
"Image and film education; cultural mediation; social inclusion trough culture; migration looking for: Organizations and structures bringing together experts on image education and cultural mediation with migrants/refugees and social inclusion through culture (specially photo and digital creation)." |
Passeurs d’images | França | Documento PDF | Pequena escala | 31.07.2019 |
"(...)CULTPLAT We want to build and test CULTPLAT: a pan-european (and global) digital platform that will: 1) facilitate the production, distribution and documentation of cultural live performances. 2) develop audiences, and in particular facilitate contact and interactions between audience, artists and performances. The project will therefore involve capacitation, networking and demonstration activities between all partners.(...)" |
Azarte | Espanha | Documento PDF | Não definido | 31.07.2019 |
The Province of Liege is interested in taking part in an European project as a project partner to support live music venues, to foster transnational circulation of emerging European music artists and to help them to develop their career. | Province of Liege – Culture Department | Bélgica | Documento PDF | Não definido | 17.07.2019 |
(...)"The aim of the project is to trigger a reflection on secularity as a European value for future generations. While individual countries have their own legislation on secularism and the separation between church and state, it is vital to teach young people that local, national and European law always prevails over religious law. Similarly, the act of drafting a parliamentary resolution is a good way to initiate young people to democracy.(...)" | Compagnie José Besprosvany | Bélgica | Documento PDF | Pequena escala | 17.06.2019 |
"The Cultural and Artistic Institute PerArtem directs its activities to the field of classical music with special emphasis on Art song that combines music with poetry. PerArtem Institute is searching for organisations around Europe to build a long-term partnership in field of Culture with special emphasis on classical music. PerArtem wants to participate in different project where classical music is main theme, in connection with other art forms..." |
Cultural and Artistic Institute PerArtem | Eslovénia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 14.06.2019 |
"...projects in the fields of music, theater and cultural activities involving people with disabilities." | Asociatia “Georgian Design & Artistii” / “Georgian Design & Artists” Association |
Roménia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 28.05.2019 |
"Literature & reading/ performing arts/ audience development Description BOOK ProMotion ProMotion is a project that focuses on creating and developing new models of book promotion. The goal of the project is to open up the possibility of a performative approach to book promotion on the one hand, and to distribute the content of the promotions by the use of digital tools on the other hand, thereby reaching a completely new audience. The premise of the project is the fact that book promotions usually have the structure of an interview with an author, which is static and..." |
Areté Publishing House | Sérvia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 21.05.2019 |
"We intend to organize a polymorphic festival in a touristic island of Greece. Our aim is to showcase all types of artistic creation and promote intercultural dialogue and exchange. We are interested in hosting art and photo exhibitions, installations, theatrical and music performances. Part of our plan is to organize an artistic workshop, where the guests of the festival are going to get acquainted with a unique Greek traditional method of painting." |
Greek & Foreign Creators (Non Profit Organization) | Grécia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 20.05.2019 |
"Music/events-related organization that are willing to collaborate on making festivals the best place to entertain" |
Atlas Weekend | Ucrânia | Documento PDF | Pequena escala | 14.05.2019 |
"Organizations interested in the street art, within the fields of higher education, art, cultural heritage... "Street Art Museum" - Street art museum is a long-term digitalization project for preserving the street art. Through this project, available material is kept (photo and texts) and is made available to the public through an innovative platform (a virtual museum) that is continuously maintained and updated with the material." |
Association of Citizens "Kruna" | Sérvia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 06.05.2019 |
"Concert Halls, Operas, Conservatories, Orchestras, Theatres and other institutions interested in cooperating in the field of classical music, opera, theatre and dance and are open to discover new creative worlds." | Megaron - The Athens Concert Hall | Grécia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 22.04.2019 |
"Heritage and tradition in modern tourist and cultural products." | Krapina Tourist Board | Croácia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 11.04.2019 |
Visual arts – painting, drawing, photography, film, video, graphic arts, digital arts, film, video; Performing arts – theatre; Cultural heritage – intangible heritage; Literature books and reading – publishing; Interdisciplinary arts. "We are developing project of international Artist – in – Residence program for artists and collectives experienced in participatory art practices, interested to take part in researching the different aspects of students’ life. Artist, curators and collectives from different fields of arts (the visual arts, performing arts, literature, and interdisciplinary arts) and regions will be involved. Through past participative projects we have already made digital archive of vernacular, art and documentary photographs dealing with life of the students from the fifties until contemporary days in local context but within the global social and historic flows. The main objectives of the project are: •audience development through participative and contextual based art practices; •involving students and youth communities of different backgrounds into creative endeavors and recognizing the scope of Pan-European characteristics of students’ life, education and identities. •advancement and application of innovative digital technologies in creating platforms for shared interactive contents; •developing collaborative digital humanities interpretative models of intangible heritage; We intend to establish joint on-line platform, networked artist in residency program, traveling exhibition and printed publication. |
Students’ City Cultural Center | Sérvia | Documento PDF | Pequena escala | 29.03.2019 |
The librarians hold competences in communication and development of the children abilities, they use innovative work methods in coming up with new services, like design thinking, but also in training seniors for the purpose of integrating them in the active life. We collaborate with 80 local libraries, as well as with 100 national libraries and 4 European ones." | County Library „N. Iorga” Ploiesti, Prahova, Romania |
Roménia | Documento PDF | Não definido | 26.02.2019 |
Multidisciplinar - transnational mobility "The project is going to involve a European network of different organizations, such as theatres (Opera, prose, dance, musical and music), schools or academies of photography or digital arts, academies of fine arts, association for cultural and artistic promotion in order to to promote the transnational mobility of artists and creative works, to encourage the process of cultural and social integration and to increase the learning and dissemination of creative and cultural skills." |
Fondazione Teatro della Città di Livorno Carlo Goldoni | Itália | Documento PDF | Grande escala (refere especificamente interesse em parceiros portugueses) |
28.01.2019 |
"Regarding children's cultural centres and other organizations with experience in children's culture and arts and culture education. Association of Finnish Children's Cultural Centers is preparing a European project on children's culture. They aim to set the model for European Children's Cultural Centers that would offer a European forum on exchange on best practices. They are looking for partners that are ready to create national or regional models in practice, and take responsibility of their region in Europe." |
Association of Finnish Children’s Cultural Centers, Finland | Finlândia | Documento PDF | Não indicado | 25.01.2019 |
EACEA/06/2019- Bridging culture and audiovisual content through digital |
Tipologia do projecto / Descrição (Resumo) |
Entidade | País | Documento | Data de divulgação |
"Immersive Art Festival (Virtual & Augmented Reality) |
VRHAM! Festival | Alemanha | Documento PDF | 09.09.2019 |
"e.g. Mixed Reality, Culture/Heritage/Art, Interdisciplinary… Description: VR installation travelling over Europe showing milestones in the history of Europe targeting a young audience. Experience in an appealing way with gamification elements some of Europe’s unique inventions. Walk in a roman testudo, fly with the aerial screw (helicopter) from Leonardo Da Vinci or activate the Tesla coil in his lab, …" |
VRT (public broadcaster of Flanders, Belgium) |
Bélgica | Documento PDF | 21.05.2019 |
"Projects with a virtual reality component" (...) "Museums or Art galleries or other partners" | Bolt Virtual | Grécia | Documento PDF | 15.05.2019 |
1. A informação disponibilizada nos templates é da inteira responsabilidade das entidades que os assinam. Os Desks apenas servem de veículo de divulgação de informação. Os contactos deverão ser estabelecidos directamente entre as entidades interessadas.