Centro de Informação Europa Criativa

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Entidades que procuram parceiros

 Nesta página divulgamos a informação sobre procura de parceiros que recebemos dos nossos colegas dos Creative Europe Desks.

Como funciona:

No que diz respeito à pesquisa de parceiros uma das possibilidades é a divulgação da informação sobre o projecto via os Creative Europe Desks. O Desk disponibiliza à entidade interessada um "template" que deve ser preenchido em inglês. O documento é então remetido pelo Desk para todos colegas europeus e será posteriormente reenviado por estes para as respectivas mailing lists.1

Caso pretenda a divulgação do seu projecto pelos Creative Europe Desks europeus (para pesquisa de parceiros), por favor, contacte-nos através do endereço : susana.costapereira@europacriativa.eu

Eis a informação que recebemos dos nossos colegas europeus até ao momento :

Projectos de Cooperação Europeia - Call 2018


Tipologia do projecto / Descrição


Entidade País Descrição do projecto e contactos Pequena/grande escala Data de divulgação de informação

"Composition of an orchestra // People from different cultural
backgrounds within Europe // Integration // diversity // concerts for
young generations
Description : Please get in touch for more infos"

Mas i Mas GROUP / Foundation
Espanha Documento PDF Não definido 02.12.2018

Interdisciplinary Arts, Creative Industries, Tangible and IntangibleCulture, Digital Arts, Digital Media, Education, Innovative Technology.
We are interested to be a partner in small scale cooperation projects to all organizations and cultural operators in the above mentioned fields. We are a HE institutions with substantial capacities for implementation of project activities and have a good track record and experience in Culture Europe project cooperation.

Faculty of Management (Management in Media) - Sremski Karlovci Sérvia Documento PDF Pequena escala 26.11.2018

Contemporary dance, performance art, body movement, experimental art, education in dance sector.
Within the project funded by Creative Europe the Festival wants to support Georgian and international dance artists, choreographers, dance curators, dance managers and those working in field of contemporary
performance art to gain new skills which will enrich their professional life to operate and cooperate internationally and to internationalize their careers and to promote transnational circulation of creative works and transnational mobility of cultural and creative players in dance sector.

Contemporary Dance and Experimental Art Festival in Tbilisi Geórgia Documento PDF Pequena escala 22.11.2018

"(...)culture, contemporary art, visual art, creative art, promotion, education, research, workshop, art pedagogical occupations, concert, conference, lit-erature, music.
We would like to be partners in a cooperation project focused on one or several of the fields mentioned above.

MANK Hungarian Creative Art Public Non-Profit Ltd., Szentendre, Hun-gary Hungria Documento PDF Pequena escala 22.11.2018

-Transnational mobility; Audience development; -Capacity building – training and education.
Greek National Opera Youth Opera (Oi Neoi tis Operas) Youth Opera is an educational programme destined for new artists who have completed their studies and are now taking their first professional steps, with the aim of creating well-trained opera

Greek National Opera Grécia Documento PDF Pequena escala 22.11.2018

"(...)The objective of the project is to preserve and affirm a part of the rural crafts sector of Montenegro (processing of wool, spinning, weaving, knitting, embroidery, making of felt and cloth ...) and its use for the purpose of contemporary art and design."

Public institution ‘Museums and galleries’ Niksic, Montenegro Montenegro Documento PDF Pequena escala 20.11.2018

"Digital Innovation in Cultural Heritage
Within our project initiative we would like to accumulate innovative knowledge and experiences in different directions in the field of digital communication, sharing, redoing and using cultural heritage in the museum field..."

Georgian National Museum Geórgia Documento PDF Pequena escala 20.11.2018

"Intercultural dialogue, heritage, mobility,
The project contributes to understanding of the common history of Europe and the impact of civil movements in reconciliation and peace building processes.Within promotion of culture of remembrance and mutual understanding between citizens, it will unveil roles of women activists in the history of peacebuilding process in turbulent times. It uses diverse creative process as tools to contribute to understanding of our diversities, history and to further improve conditions for civic and democratic participation, providing mechanisms against the upsurge of populism in Europe.
The project raises awareness of specific and astonishing role women played in peace building processes, whose beliefs and actions endorsed peace, freedom of speech and rule of law against regimes. It generates various memory layers,as lessons learnt from the past that influence our lives. Using arts and political activism, the project ensures women’s voices and stories are equally heard and acknowledged..."

The Jelena Santic Foundation (FJS), Belgrade, Serbia Sérvia Documento PDF Pequena escala 19.11.2018

"Cross Art Form, New Cultural Practices. We are proposing activities that can explore the following areas of interest:
• New governance and business models that are more participative and collaborative and centred around common needs and bonds
• Localities as cultural commons (cities and towns, rural regions, neighbourhoods)
• The digital and online cultural commons
• New financial and funding models
• The making of art as a commoning and peer-to-peer practice
• How cultural democracy can be enabled through commoning
Learning from across the project elements gathered through evaluation will be shared between the project partners and the wider community. It will also inform the development of a network of cultural commoning practitioners which the project will help
We intend that each partner take a lead on one or two of the areas of interest outlined above and devise a programme of activities that will trial new approaches in practice..."

Voluntary Arts Ireland República da Irlanda Documento PDF Pequena escala  19.11.2018
"With VIBE, a project designed to create the first temporary exhibition model of contemporary art, accessible both by blind and visually impaired people, we have developed knowledge and tools capable of creating an exhibition accessible to all. Now we would like to develop a project that will allow us to move from the production of services for the blind to the production of services done together with blind people.
In addition to guaranteeing blind people access to temporary exhibitions, we would like to give them the opportunity to choose the contents they would like to use.
For this reason we want to create a network of museums and cultural institutions, willing to create a mixed working group of museum operators together with people with visual disabilities coming from the world of associations and institutions in this sector..."
Coop Atlante Società Cooperativa - Atlante Servizi Culturali   Itália Documento PDF Pequena escala  16.11.2018

Street theatre as genre is hitting the so-called glass ceiling, the barrier that prevents the sector to be as exciting and blooming as it was in last 20-30 years, when artists were exploring and pushing the boundaries of the public space as space for performing, meeting and connecting. One of possible reasons for this is the lack of education and knowledge transfer between different generations of artists. Consequently, the new generations have to learn and explore the features of the arts in public space in its many aspects
again and again. It would help the young artists to learn about the tradition and street arts as it was before their time. Therefore, we propose the project that will connect the tradition of street arts with the artistic approaches of new generations of street artists..."

Ana Monro Theatre, Slovenia Eslovénia Documento PDF  Pequena escala 15.11.2018

"Science&art festival, Workshops with students of art and artists which would result in art pieces that connect art and science..."

Society for science advocacy “Science and the World” Bósnia e Herzegovina Documento PDF  Pequena escala 14.11.2018

"Architecture, coworking, public spaces. We are very interested in collaborating with different organizations from the EU and WB region in exchanging experiences, creating joint projects that can influence wider public on the perception of our cities, and educate professionals and public in claiming their space and participating in decision making processes..."


Association of Architects in Bosnia and Herzegovina  Bósnia e Herzegovina Documento PDF  Pequena escala  14.11.2018

"Legacy of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018;
Audience development;Capacity building. Preferred profile: Experience in cultural heritage preservation, presentation, digitalization and sustainable tourism development and experience in development of creative solutions in the field of cultural heritage and art..."


Research and Education Centre Mansion Rakičan, Slovenia Eslovénia Documento PDF Pequena escala 14.11.2018

We would like to become a project partner in the Smaller Scale Cooperation Projects to an institution who shares some interests with our museum. We are specially interested into developing new pedagogical programmes for children, pupils and students, new
attractive workshops for youth and andragogical programmes for our adults and senior citizens. One of our challenges is how to connect with private sector and to secure additional source of incomes through the innovative systems of sponsorships and donations.

Pregrada Municipal Museum Croácia Documento PDF Pequena escala 11.11.2018

Visual art, living and performing arts, creative workshops.

"We are looking for partners interested by the aims of the project with a strong connection with their local audiences and eager to enter the process of 'social art'.
Each partner could decline the process in its own way with a special attention to workshops with inhabitants, training for professionals, artistic involvement of the team and producing and touring the artwork."

La Vénerie Bélgica Documento PDF Pequena escala 08.11.2018

We are working on a project that consists of a series of tours across the city.
The main objective out the tours is discovering together the identity of the place we live in (not necessarily tourism; the tours are also not primarily directed towards tourists, but towards inhabitants and locals).

Centre of Urbanism (NGO) Moldávia Documento PDF Não definido 05.11.2018

 The first specialized children's festival in Ukraine.
We promote the development of creative thinking for future generations by popularizing architecture and urbanism.

Architecture for children, art, popularization of educational programs in a game form, festival

 ARCHIKIDZ! Ucrânia Documento PDF Pequena escala 05.11.2018
Culture, heritage, promotion, education, mobility, media, virtual and augmented reality, new technologies, research.
We would like to be partners in a cooperation project focused on one or several of the fields mentioned above.
Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania Roménia Documento PDF Não definido 01.11.2018
"Creative and cultural sectors, theatre, dramaturgy
After having successfully implemented “Pop Drama – Circulating of
European Playwriting through people’s choice”, a small scale cooperation project aimed at supporting the circulation of European dramaturgy, and having proved the efficiency of the methodology tested, the present cooperation project proposal wishes to build and follow up on that previous experience.(...)"
Centro Diego Fabbri Itália Documento PDF Grande escala 01.11.2018
"We are looking for projects and applications who would benefit of our ability to use film and media as tools for research, dissemination and education. We could operate as a film and media partner of the smaller or larger scale cooperation project." Department of Film and Media - Arts Academy at the Turku University
of Applied Sciences, Finland
Finlândia Documento PDF Não definido 31.10.2018
 "(...) Description
Though, we have no defined idea of a project, we want to participate in the projects of other organisations. We are also interested in and want to participate in all the development-oriented projects of creative industries: traditional culture, creative services, visual and dramatic arts, etc."
 Vinnytsia Regional Development Agency (Ukraine)  Ucrânia Documento PDF Pequena escala  29.10.2018

"(...) partners in projects in the fields of music, theater and cultural activities involving people with disabilities.(...)"

 “Georgian Design & Artists” Association Roménia Documento PDF  Não definido 25.10.2018

"Music, Culture, Art, Heritage,… (...)the field of transnational mobility of artists and professionals, with the aim of improving intercultural dialogue, promoting the shared values of the EU and mutual understanding and respect for other cultures, expanding access to cultural works through the audience development and reinforcing the sense of belonging to a common European area."

Symphony Orchestra Foundation of the Region of Murcia
Espanha Documento PDF

Não definido


We would like to take part in Creative Europe projects as a partner. We are looking for a theater or organization that works with young people.The motive of this project is to use the theater play and drama workshop as communication models to gather this future elite around the things that connect them and which are close to them. A seemingly painful, heavy and boring school lecture could become an ideal polygon for mutual understanding, encouraging creative thinking and learning.

"Pozoriste lektira" / “Theatre reading” Sérvia Documento PDF

Pequena escala


We are interested to partnerships for the promotion and interpretation of cultural heritage.
Moreover, we would like to cooperate in projects involving cultural
and alternative tourism.

AROGOS Grécia Documento PDF

Pequena escala


"In reference to the ultimate goal of the project – developing unprecedented art contexts, subsequent intellectual discourse and performance characteristics – the project has following objectives:
1. Promote transnational mobility of creative force
2. Encourage the development of innovative business models (2 layers) & Engage the audiences in intellectual discourse
3. Strengthen the role of intermediate arts professions..."

When Extremes (e-)Merge
© Propaganda.network
Geórgia Documento PDF

Pequena escala
(refere especificamente interesse em parceiros portugueses)


"Intercultural performance project
WHAT DO WE BELIEVE IN is an european intercultural performance project that wants to throw a glance at political, sociocultural as well as religious crises that are diagnosed throughout Europe. In cooperation with four or five cultural institutions, venues, or festivals from different european countries a variety of performance projects will be developed on the subject of crises of faith. In exchange with each other, the different experiences and ways of dealing with personal and European crises of faith are to be worked out."

Sommerblut Kulturfestival e.V. Alemanha Documento PDF

Não definido


"Our purpose would be to include our Festival within a cultural project of social inclusion by making available the resources of Ama Aquilone."

Ama Aquilone Social Cooperative NPO Itália Documento PDF

Não definido


"Project Title : Through the lens of Digital Art - Shaping the future of European Digital Art
Objective: Support for the development of digital arts professions in Europe through shaping the next generation of digital artists and ongoing exchange and partnerships with the creative professionals throughout Europe."

AMC Romania Roménia Documento PDF

Pequena escala


"We are interested to be a partner in cooperation projects to interesting organisations that plan to bring/tour art productions of highest artistic and aesthetical value in the region of Balkans. We can act as a host venue, producer and/or promoter."

Sarajevo City Hall - Vijećnica Bósnia e Herzgovina Documento PDF

Não definido


"A performance designed to be shown in public space, preferably in old deserted industrial buildings, quarries, harbour piers, concentration camps, rugged landscapes etc. the performance will address the issue of oppression and exclusion and will invite amateur theatre associations and drama schools to join in, creating a spectacle that will be partly spontaneous and certainly educational, both for the participating non-professionals and students and for the audience.

Street Theatre HELIX Grécia Documento PDF

Não definido


Visual arts, Experimental art, Multidisciplinary art, Ecology, Science

"The goal of the project is to rise the awareness about the potentials
of art, when intervened in wider ecosystem and mixed with natural
resources (landscapes, natural elements and artefacts, scientific
research outcomes, experiments, etc.) and vice versa, when some
of these resources are placed in conventional and/or experimental
artistic contexts and in constantly changing urban realities.
As an outcome of the project, we expect the stakeholders and civic
society to be engaged in the process of alternative value creation
when different fields collide.(...)"

NNLE Propaganda, Georgia (not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation) Geórgia Documento PDF

Não definido


"(...)A journey from the oral to the written word and vice versa: tradition, course, perspectives (c.o.a.l. > cοmmunication- orality-art- literature)
Field (s): Theatre and literature (for children and adults), oral tradition
Description: The main goal of the project is to reintroduce orality (art of speech /oral tradition) as a form of art in the everyday activities of everyone ( pupils, students, teachers and generally adults in all levels and stages of education ) from kindergarten to lifelong learning. The project will develop on the fields of:
-Collection and production of oral material (especially traditional folktales, poetry, songs, myths etc.)
-Radio productions and performances for adults and children
-Exchanges , travels and conferences (all the partners) (...)"

Department of Theatre Studies University of Patras Grécia Documento PDF

Grande escala


Heritage, Literature, Digitisation
Activating Literary Collections Online
"Many cultural organisations that look after literary collections have made good progress in recent years to digitise their collections and make these resources available online. However, too often these resources unfortunately remain underused. Activating Literary Collections Online wants to take digitisation of literature-focussed collections one step further to bring online resources to life for the general public and educators to enjoy and use, and to open up digital
collections from a number of access points for our audiences to connect with the object/text.(...)"

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Reino Unido Documento PDF

Grande escala
(refere especificamente interesse em parceiros portugueses)


Cultural heritage/ oral history, involuntary migration, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Audience development

"(...)We are also interested in all projects oriented toward audience development, especially those targeting the youngest population in order to prevent any xenophobic attitudes. Projects which are based on interpretation of heritage throughout contemporary arts, especially visual arts and exchange of artists.(...)"

City Council of the City of Šabac (Serbia) Sérvia Documento PDF

Pequena escala


Theater, festival, memory, oral history, performing arts
Aim of the project:
Developing a European cooperation network aimed at internationalizing and consolidating the ORMETE network - orality, memory and theatre - already active since 2012 at the Italian national level. Exploiting methods and tools by the oral history, ORMETE creates, collects, preserves, uploads on the web and studies stories and personal memoirs on the XX° century theater. Its aim is to improve and valorize at most all the forms of theatrical oral sources in order to study and understand at best the art of theatre.

University of Rome “TOR VERGATA” (Rome 2) Itália Documento PDF

Grande escala


Narrative co-creation, audience development, interdisciplinary.

"(...)we offer ourselves to take part in a small cultural cooperation project related to digital narratives cocreation and any project interested in audience development. We think that we could add value to the results dissemination skill so important for any project.
Úbiqa’s programming framework is based on the new paradigm of Human Rights Promotion and their main regulatory instruments (...)"

Úbiqa: technology, ideas and communication

Espanha Documento PDF

Pequena escala


"We have an idea for Creative Europe project and its main aim is to learn how to preserve, represent and develop management skills of the cultural heritage, also to create practical guide and adapt it and provide to our community for education reasons.
Projects name, goal and tasks. (...)"

Plunge district municipal public library, Lithuania

Lituânia Documento PDF

Não definido


"Performing arts, theatre,education,audience development.
WE would like to take part in Creative Europe projects as partners. We are looking for a theater or organization the works with young people. The mitive of ths project is to use the thetare play and drama workshpoo as communication models to gather this future elite around the things that connect them and which are close to them..."

Poloriste Lektira/ Theatre Reading

Sérvia Documento PDF

Pequena escala


The objectives of the Nicolae Mantu Cultural Foundation are to establish relationships of collaboration and partnership with local institutions, non-governmental organizations in the country and abroad and with private persons, to discover and promise young artistic talents in the field of fine arts, organize artistic events and cultural meetings, balls, fundraising meetings, organizes competitions for various specialties and age categories, organizes exhibitions of Romanian plastic artists, organizes sessions and symposiums on various themes from plastic art.

The Nicolae Mantu Cultural Foundation

Roménia Documento PDF

Não definido


 Intangible Cultural Heritage.
The TRAD & NOVA 6X6 project aims to generate know-how at European level on how to keep popular and traditional culture alive
from the exchange and "cross fertilization" between traditional root initiatives and innovative proposals in the different cultural and artistic fields (crafts, live arts, visual arts, popular festivities ...). We want to do it based on the exchange of experiences between projects...

Diputació de Barcelona (Barcelona Provincial Council)

Espanha Documento PDF

Grande escala


Contemporary dance, Audience Development Program
In cooperation with elementary and secondary schools, we intend to organize guided tours of Zagreb Dance Center, to do workshops, performances, talks about performances and talks with performers and authors, in order to make children acquainted with the art of dance and to do the presentations of occupations: dancer, choreographer, light designer and producer.
Our goals are: to raise awareness ...


Croácia Documento PDF

Não definido


Conservation and instrumental analysis of cultural heritage
The Department of Applied Research, DCAMM is searching for organisa-tions around Europe to collaborate and expand its network in field of Conser-vation of Cultural Heritage with special emphasis on instrumental analysis, the application of new materials and the effects of the environment on cultural heritage property...

Department of Applied Research, Directorate of Conservation of An-cient and Modern Monuments, Hellenic Ministry of Culture

Grécia Documento PDF

Não definido


Theatre, Performance, Interdisciplinary Arts, Outdoor Arts, Community Arts
The main goal of the project is to enable communities, to activate their
involvement in community activities, to increase the accessibility of
culture in the community environment. The priority is the continuity
of the project. Theater and social pedagogues should be involved in
the project, which will help coordinate activities in the community.

Kaunas City Chamber Theatre

Lituânia Documento PDF

Pequena escala


Media, on line magazine, cultural manifestations
-Work on images from and into an online magazine:
- images and science
- images and society
- image interpretation
- produce works in mixing art - science - society
Key words:
Flow, Events, Review: Thinking the image through
contemporary creation.

TK-21 - LaRevue

França Documento PDF

Pequena escala


Architecture, Design, data, Sociology, Ecology
The “house of architecture”, together with Kurbis are developing insights, with a focus on new professional practices around the notion of use to support construction stakeholders in the design of living spaces of tomorrow...

La Maison de l’architecture en Île-de-France
Le collectif Kurbis

França Documento PDF

Pequena escala


Support women artists/creators within music, dance and theatre (all
artistic professions: directors, conductors, actors, playwrights,
dancers, musicians, composers, set designers and choreographers)
and it is tailored to the career development needs of women artists.

Kultur i Väst

Suécia Documento PDF

Pequena escala


The aim of the project is to gradually invest in ways of getting more
diversity in children’s literature by engaging writers and illustrators
from different backgrounds that will appeal more and other readers. By
developing this project on a European level we want to expand the reach
of existing initiatives and bring together useful expertise. In the end we
want to engage all actors involved in the literary sector and
bookproduction & -distribution by means of a European Charter and
facilitate an endurable exchange of expertise.

ROSE Stories & Flanders Literature

Países Baixos Documento PDF

Não definido


Art, Culture, Heritage, Nature, Landscape
Description.The prediction of the global population growth states that in the future more and more people will live in cities. This urban growth causes a big pressure on open space, landscape and environment. (...) The project preserves multiple services and purposes:
1) Audience development/engagement
2) Regional identity
3) Recreation and promotion
4) Another perspective - Visitors can experience differently
5) Integrated approach - Nature meets culture
6) Sustainable project


Bélgica Documento PDF

Não definido


Classical music (performing and education)
PerArtem Institute is searching for organisations around Europe to build a long-term partnership in field of Culture with special emphasis on classical music.
PerArtem wants to participate in different project where classical music is main theme, in connection with other art forms.

Cultural and Artistic Institute PerArtem,

Eslovénia Documento PDF

Não definido


Performing Arts (Street Art, Visual Arts (video, photography)). The European Cultural Creative Project (E2CP) is designed to exploit
creative forms of Street Art as a tool that could help to increase the
distinctiveness, uniqueness and attractiveness of city parts.
Street art as a public art has an inherent storytelling ability that
communicates with citizens and visitors.


Grécia Documento PDF

Não definido

(refere especificamente interesse em parceiros portugueses)


Performing arts, theatre, education, audience development. Work with young audiences

Pozoriste lektira/ Thatre reading

República da Sérvia Documento PDF

Pequena Escala

(calls de 2017 e de 2018)


1. A informação disponibilizada nos templates é da inteira responsabilidade das entidades que os assinam. Os Desks apenas servem de veículo de divulgação de informação. Os contactos deverão ser estabelecidos directamente entre as entidades interessadas.